Glass Block Lights

Image of Contemporary Glass Eanmeling
Contemporary Glass Enameling

by Kay Bain Weiner
Publisher: Eastman
168 pages

From the publisher:

"Contemporary Glass Enameling: Fusing with Powders, Paints, and Frit, is a fascinating and colorful text by Kay Bain Weiner. With 168 pages and over 200 color photos, it covers a wealth of traditional and innovative contemporary glass enameling techniques. It contains ‘’How-To’’ photos and instructions for creating tableware, dividers, box and lamp panels, tiles, sun catchers, and jewelry. The book instructs on how to decorate glass by brushing wet enamel paints or sifting dry enamel powders, and frit using stencils, unique tools, and gadgets. Included are details on various paints, brushes, expressive brush strokes, and distinctive enamel paint applications. Learn how to combine hot glass inclusions (sheet copper, gold and silver leaf, wire, mica flakes) to achieve special effects. Learn how to use decals, luster, and gold and silver paints. The book also includes valuable information on fusible glass, enamel color selection, molds, kilns, firing and annealing."

Table of Contents


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